Monday, June 20, 2011


we, people.. esp us, girls.. always tend to compare ourselves with other girls.. to models, celebrities, elites and socialites! you name it! what we are sooooo just slightly aware of is that LOVING OURSELVES FOR WHO AND WHAT WE ARE is more wonderful than just wishing to be skinnier like this model, fairer than your seatmate, more popular than this certain schoolmate of yours, more talented than this celebrity..

it is important that you ACCEPT AND LOVE YOURSELF first so that others would feel the same way.. when you wake up.. and you face the mirror, tell yourself how BEAUTIFUL you are.. how much you LOVE being YOUR SELF.. through that you'll emit GOOD vibes which will greatly REFLECT on those who you will interact with.. and always remember to SURROUND YOURSELF WITH THE RIGHT PEOPLE..

bringing down others will be of no good. saying bad stuff to others will never ever make you any better..

remember that.. what makes us human beings PERFECT are our IMPERFECTIONS..

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