Friday, October 7, 2011

what to do when BORED

first of all..
lol ;D

watch a movie (in a movie house or just at home tahaa)
visit your networking sites
make a blog
learn how to cook or at least try doing some of your fave desserts
make a collage
try eating new foods
visit an art exhibit
ice skate
go out of town
visit an orphanage
clean up your computer (get rid of unnecessary files)
paint your room
reorganize your stuff
wash your car
redecorate your room
experience fiestas of different provinces
learn a new sport
play any indoor games (boggle, monopoly, etc)
do some favors
run errands
do your home or office works ,if you have any
take new interesting photos
write a story
take an interesting class (dance,music,etc)
take care of a pet
sell something
visit the spa
diy facials
get a new haircut, color or any other treatment
raid your closet
sort stuffs which you do not use anymore
take care of ur sib,nephew or niece

will update for more.. tahaa

Sunday, October 2, 2011

my baby's birthday

since we both love wearing flip flops.. iv'e decided to give him a new pair, i was actually planning on giving him havs but since they do not have plain black for men.. i chose to buy DC brand of flip flops.. hope he'd like it. ;)

my sister could not think of any gift ideas since we were at sm for the last minute, take note.. at the grocery, so i told her steve loves chocolates.. ;) how sweet of my sister to give her this huge chocolate as a gift

mama's gift.. it is actually this small nail cutter with all the other small tools/trinkets.. i dunno.. haha it will be useful to avoid those nail biting moments for him lol ;D

so today.. i greet my boyfriend.. STEVENSON CINCO ONG.. a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! God bless you baby.. God knows and my family knows how much i love you, wishing more birthdays of you to come.. i hope you would be stronger, as well as our relationship.. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABY. thank you for everything, especially for taking care and loving me.. mhuah mhuah uhmhuah cuddletight* hoping God would give you a more patient, forgiving and loving heart ;)